Club-aligned coaches

Club-aligned coaches

Coaches listed here hold accreditation with a professional body and have their Working With Children Check status recorded and monitored by Athletics Wollongong.  Note that the coaching services that they offer are independent from Athletics Wollongong.  Though many of our members have benefitted from their skills, it is not necessary to become a member of our Club to train with them.  Get in contact with a coach to find out more details on what they can offer!  Several other coaches prefer not to list their details online; reach out and we can get in touch with them on your behalf, if you'd be suited.

Barry McClelland
Pole Vault

AA Level 3 Advanced Coach
Mob:  0434 934 021

Brett Barklay
Sprints, Hurdles, Jumps, Combined Events, AWD

AA Level 2 Coach
Mob: 0412 909 145

Geoff Stalker
Middle and Long Distance, Mountain and Trail Running
AA Level 4 High Performance Coach
Mob: 0409 927 966


Greg Berrell
Sprints, Relays.
Senior and junior development squads

ATFCA Level 4 Elite Performance Coach
ALTIS Foundation Coach (USA)
Mob: 0493 502 114

Donna Hiscox
Sprints, Relays & Hurdles
AA Level 3 Advanced Coach, World Athletics Coach
Mob: 0414 767 373

Tony Saunders
Sprints & Hurdles
AA Level 4 High Performance Coach (Sprints and Hurdles),
AA Level 2 (Middle Distance and Walks)
ALTIS Foundations and Short Sprints courses
Level 1, strength & conditioning
World Athletics Coach
Mob: 0424 236 625


Jamie Dawson
Sprints, relays, long jump and triple jump
AA Level 3 Performance Coach - Sprints, Relays, & Hurdles
Mob: 0433 582 430

Tom Schambron
Middle and Long Distance
AA Level 3 Performance Coach (Middle and Long Distance)
Mob 0403 826 431


Danielle Szakacs
Sprints, Middle Distance
AA Level 2 Development Coach
Mob 0405 558 019


Michael Doodson
AA Level 2 Development Coach
Mob 0408 020 076

Rebecca Buchanan
Middle Distance, Sprints, Long Distance
AA Level 2 Development Coach
Mob 0438 427 963

Athletics Australia Coaching Levels

Level 1 Youth Coach

The Level 1 Youth Coach accreditation is designed for coaches who want to work with athletes aged 3-12 years old, and want to be involved in the early stages of athlete development.  The primary objective of a Youth Coach is to utilise a games-based approach to develop fundamental movement skills (such as running, jumping, and throwing) and foster physical literacy in an encouraging environment.

Level 2 Development Coach

The Level 2 Development Coach accreditation is designed for coaches interested in working with athletes aged 12+ years old. The primary objective of a Development Coach is to teach athletes the technical model of Track and Field events and develop biomotor abilities. 

Level 3 Performance Coach

The Level 3 Performance Coach accreditation is designed for coaches interested in working with athletes aged 15+ years old. The primary objective of a Performance Coach is to prepare athletes for successful performances at national and international competitions. They achieve this by applying a range of skills, knowledge, and techniques, including biomechanics, loading and recovery, nutrition, plyometrics, strength and conditioning, sport psychology, and periodisation.

Level 4 High Performance Coach

The Level 4 High Performance Coach accreditation is designed for coaches working with high performance athletes who are targeting major international competitions. The primary objective of a High Performance Coach is to prepare athletes for successful performances at international competitions. This is achieved through effective coordination of high performance support services, collaborating with athlete representatives, and implementing best-practice coaching principles for elite athletes. 
