Resources for coaches

If you're a coach who wishes to hear relevant news from Athletics Wollongong, or become associated with our Club, join our AW Coaches Facebook group.


Becoming listed on the Athletics Wollongong website

All coaches listed on the AW website must have current accreditation.  Evidence of accreditation - along with any other qualifications you would like noted in your entry - needs to be supplied to the Club. 

Coaches must also supply the Club a Working With Children Check number, along with their DOB so that the Club can maintain/monitor our mandated-by-law WWCC Register.  If any coach does not wish to get a WWCC, they will have an indication added to their entry that they are only available for the coaching of adults.

Listed coaches agree that they may be contacted directly by members of the public and that they have good knowledge of the services Athletics Wollongong provides to their members. 

Any coach who can satisfy all of the above may be listed on the AW website.  They needn't be based at Beaton Park, nor exclusively coach AW members.  Our philosophy is to make it so athletes can find the coach/squad that best serves their interests, needs and availability.

If you would like to be listed, contact our Development Officer or send an email to


Coaching at Beaton Park

There are three types of coaches allowed at Beaton Park:

  1. Professional Coaches (i.e. a coach accepting any amount of renumeration for their services at Beaton Park, who has been approved by Centre Management)
  2. Club-Endorsed Coaches (i.e. a coach providing a free service, who has been endorsed by one of the resident clubs of Beaton Park)
  3. Family Member Coach (i.e. someone who is coaching a member of their family)

Professional Coaches will need to consult with Beaton Park management.  A new agreement is currently under review by Council but, in the meantime, there is a monthly licensing fee (which includes track admission) that must be set up for direct debit, along with documentation to sign/supply.

Family Member Coaches can anticipate being challenged on occasion by Beaton Park staff.

Free-service delivering coaches can seek endorsement from Athletics Wollongong.  Endorsement includes certain responsibilities, as detailed in this agreement.  Note that if endorsed coaches operate contrary to the agreement, it is the club that is subject to disciplinary action from Beaton Park.  Such action may include denying access to the track and equipment.  It is club policy that our Wednesday meets will not be put at risk, so coaches can and will be renounced if necessary, leaving them unable to operate at Beaton Park.

Knowing the above, to pursue endorsement, submit your signed agreement form, along with your accreditation/WWCC details, to the Development Officer or  The application for endorsement will be discussed at the following Committee Meeting (2nd Tuesday of the month).  If successful, the club will submit our endorsement to Beaton Park: along with a photo of you for ID.  Once management has prepared your ID, you may collect it from the counter and begin coaching.


Accessing the Coaching Storage Area

The coaching storage area is the anteroom to the shared club storage area.  It contains some basic equipment along with some extremely limited space for coaches/experienced and trusted athletes to store their own gear. 

To access the shed you will have to gain approval of your application at a Committee Meeting, purchase your own security key copy for $40 - refundable upon its return - and complete & submit this form to the club, that details the terms, conditions and appropriate usage.


Training Equipment Library

Athletics Wollongong has some limited equipment available for training purposes. The "library" is intended for coaches, as well as for use by experienced senior athletes not under direct supervision.

Currently, the library is limited to the training hurdles and trolley, some general conditioning equipment and throwing implements separate to those reserved for competition.

Those who wish to gain access will first require ability to enter the coaching storage area (see above).  

Read/complete the following document:

If approved by the Committee, applicants will have to undergo a short induction regarding which equipment is accessible and how to report damage/the unserviceability of items.

It is hoped that users will be flexible and considerate, but if we find there are scheduling conflicts, we'll implement an online booking system.
