Presentation for 2021/22 Season


Sat 30 Apr 2022 18:00 — 19:45

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Athletics Wollongong's Season 2021/22 Presentation will be held at Wollongong Tennis Club on April 30th, from 6pm.  Join us for a fun, light-hearted and relaxed celebration of the season past.  Come along and celebrate the achievements of yourself and your clubmates. 


NB - If you're yet to RSVP you're still very welcome to come but, since the catering order has already gone in, we'll ask you to kindly not partake in the food supplied on the night (at least until others have had their fill). 

To see what awards you will be receiving, check this link HERE.

Note that you may also be eligible for other recognition; like the age-scaled, multi-event scored 'Best Performances at a Wednesday Meet', for example.  Some awards, like these, will be left as a surprise.

Nominees for major awards and trophies will also be announced over the coming weeks, here and on our social media:

  • Most Improved Male - Miller Siasat, Rodney Tebbutt, William Willis
  • Most Improved Female - Mary-Ann McPherson, Rebekah Power, Tayla Wiki
  • Encouragement Award Male - Carlo Tallarida, Scott Bazley, Tom Schambron
  • Encouragement Award Female - Amelia Bongiorno, Chelsea Nicol, Imogene Anderson, Ivy Foster
  • Most Outstanding Masters Athlete - Adriana Van Bockel, Christine Shaw, Rebekah Power
  • Most Outstanding Youth Athlete - Chelsy Wayne, Delta Amidzovski, Holly Rea
  • Most Outstanding Field Athlete - Chelsy Wayne, Maiya Hewitt, Zoe Daniels
  • Most Outstanding Track Athlete - Callum Rann, Harry Keats, Holly Rea, James Mcpaul, Tierney Dunne
  • Most Outstanding Para Athlete - Charlize Colwell, Patrick Mitchell, Rosie Boyland


The following award winners will also be left as a surprise on the night:

  • President's Award
  • Ron Bragg Club Spirit Awards
  • Club Person of the Year

On Presentation night we'll be drawing the club raffle.  If you would like to purchase tickets ahead of the evening you may do so via our website here:

RSVP - click the RSVP button and fill in your details
We encourage our members to patronise the Tennis Club before and/or after our Presentation. Their Bistro is open from 5pm and table bookings are preferred (  We anticipate Presentation finishing around 730-745pm, for those who would like to make a booking for afterwards.  You can even pre-order your meal.
Note that we will have a short break with a few nibbles during the Presentation to keep energy up, but it likely won't satisfy all hungers.
Attendees will also be able to purchase refreshments from the bar downstairs.  Note that the premises are a Licensed Club and those utilising the facilities beyond the Court View Function Room will need to be a Tennis Club Member or sign in as a Guest. 
