
Cancellations and Coronavirus

Published Wed 18 Mar 2020

For information on the coronavirus, please read the Australian Government's Department of Health news and guidelines here:


Athletics Wollongong's local meets finished on 11th March, as per schedule, and were not impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

National Championships have been cancelled for all athletes.

Athletics Australia, along with State member associations, have agreed to the postponement of all competitions and events until May 1 2020 at the earliest. This includes local and state cross-country, track and field and road events. 

Athletics Wollongong has a Winter Competition planned (details: to run alongside parkrun events.  It is scheduled to start on May 1st and it will be reviewed closer to the date, in keeping with the above and future guidance from Athletics Australia. (NB - parkrun events are now suspended until at least the end of April - and likely beyond).

Other upcoming scheduled events:

  • the Athletics Wollongong AGM was scheduled for April 7th.  Per the Club Constituion we have to hold an AGM within 3 months of the close of our financial year, but we can apply for an extension from the Dept of Fair Trading.  This fortunately allows us some time to postpone the AGM until a later date.  Stay tuned for an announcement of that date.
  • monthly committee meetings: we will replace these with an online substitute.  We're lucky given the time of the season and the cancellation of many events that it's a "quieter" time of year.
  • Presentation was scheduled for May 2nd.  This will not be going ahead at this time in the planned form, following Australian Government direction regarding indoor gatherings and the requirements of our host, Keiraville Public School.  The Athletics Wollongong Committee will make a decision at the April meeting regarding whether we postpone until a later date (likely the start of next season), hold a livestreamed ceremony without attendees at the currently scheduled time, or simply announce winners online.  In these latter two cases, members would collect their trophies/certificates/prizes next season.

Regarding training: it is left to individual coaches to determine whether they wish to continue their sessions under these circumstances.  Advice from Athletics Australia: "Any member with flu-like symptoms should self-exclude from training and coaching at the first sign of the symptoms and seek medical advice. When training we strongly recommend that you practice social distancing and other measures at the levels advised by the Australian Government Department of Health".

Beaton Park Update (25Mar): there is no longer any access to the Leisure Centre or track.

Stay safe and healthy out there, people!


Michael McClelland
Athletics Wollongong - President
