
End of Season Special

Published Fri 06 Mar 2020

AW’s Wednesday Meets are drawing to a close.  Pointscore competition came to an end last week with at least one age group going right down to the wire: everyone will have to wait until Presentation for the final results.

Our one remaining night of Season 2019/20 (March 11th) is our End of Season Special.  We’ll have some exciting events, including the Many-vs-One Relay, 800m Chocolate Run and 60m Skins.  This last event is generously sponsored by Club Member Anthony Howlett, who is putting up a $100 prize purse for a Champion of Champions Round.  Come out on top of your division of the handicapped Skins and you’ll progress to the final for a shot at the money: everyone has a chance to win!  In addition to the fun on the track we’ll have a gumboot throw and standing long jump. 

The Club will be shouting our members and their supporters a BBQ, with thanks to those who made purchases during the year.  We’re also asking people to bring along a plate of food to share to help us celebrate the end of our Wednesday meets for another Season.
