Note that there are a few changes this season:
- It was initially planned for the ActiveKids voucher to be applied online as part of the registration process. Unfortunately this was discovered quite late to not be possible. CLICK HERE for more details on how to apply your $100 voucher towards your registration costs.
- There is no longer a Family Registration option. There is a Family Registration rebate but we are yet to be told the size of the rebate. If you're registering 4 or more family members, give ANSW a call on 9746 1122 for more details.
Note that Dual athletes don't have to do anything further than specifying 'Athletics Wollongong' as their Senior Club during their Little A's registration. If you omitted this step and wished to specify AW as your Senior Club (or change from your existing choice) please contact your Little Athletics Centre's Registrar. Any changes to your LANSW data will be propogated across to the ANSW system: provided it occurs before the importation dates (presently set for 9th Sept, 11th Nov, 2nd Dec, 6th Jan). If you miss those dates and wish to swap, you'll have to contact ANSW to make the change for you.