
The Athletics Wollongong Gift is coming!

Published Sat 28 Nov 2020

The 2020 edition of the Athletics Wollongong Gift is coming on December 9th!

The Gift is a handicapped 100m race, meaning that slower people get a headstart (up to 50m!) and our fastest sprinters have to try their best to run them down.  Headstarts are determined via this season's sprint performances.  If you don't have an honest sprint performance recorded, you won't be able to earn a handicap. 

(NB - we will also consider performances attained at ANSW meets; if you're a Dual member, you can send us details of your Little A's times, but please do so well ahead of the night:

Those without a handicap, including any guests, are welcome to participate but won't be able to progress through to the final.

The first 3 finishers in the final will share in a $150 prize pool, courtesy of our new event sponsor: Trueflow Plumbing (!

Dennis Bindon and his company Bump Products ( had been the sponsor of The Gift from its inception and the club is immensely grateful for his support. Unfortunately, Dennis hasn't been able to attend much the last couple of seasons so was happy to step aside for club member Russell Rann, who was keen to become involved. Welcome, Trueflow Plumbing!
FIRST - $100, SECOND - $30, THIRD - $20
You have until noon on Gift Day to appeal your mark (or anyone else's), with evidence as to why it should be reconsidered.
On the night, tick the box beside your name on the list of eligible starters that will be posted on the noticeboard.  Entries close once the first track event finishes.  The Gift heats will be held as athletes complete their first field event.  The Gift Final will be held prior to the distance event (i.e. approx 7pm).
Who will add their name to the honour roll?
2016 - Robby "The Gift" Marks
2017 - Kristin Mercer
2018 - Olivia Sivills
2019 - Natalie Heywood

