
Trialling Members Update

Published Tue 13 Oct 2020

Athletics NSW has decided not to supply a Trialling Member form to clubs/athletes this season.  Our insurance states that Trialling Athletes are covered for their participation at our meets and that ANSW/AA must define the process.  They have distributed the following information to clubs on how "Trialling Member" status is conveyed upon someone this season.
  1. Contact us so that we can establish your eligibility (send an email to or see us in the track office prior to competition beginning)
  2. We'll send you a special code
  3. Register as a Community member via this website, with the special code, for $16.43 (i.e. $15 + processing costs)
  4. Trial with us on Wednesday
  5. We'll send you an invoice for the remaining Community Member fee ($40 + processing costs). If you enjoyed your visit and want to participate with us again this season, pay that fee.
  6. If you want a higher level of membership than Community, you can do so afterwards; just log into your account and upgrade it yourself
Note that this scheme is only accessible to those who haven't attended an Athletics Wollongong meet before. If you have, you know what you're in for and you'll just have to register as normal:
Note also, that a Dual membership is FREE. So if you're eligible for one of those (i.e. already registered with a Little A's centre in the U12-U17 age groups) then just join up with us as a Dual via the above link.
Finally, if you're a member of another ANSW-affiliated Club then you're fine to compete, so long as you have a competitive membership (i.e. Community, Dual, Concession or Open; not a Volunteer or Official). Just drop into the office on the night and show us your Membership status (by logging into your club portal) - or email it to us ahead of time (  You won't be eligible to earn points, break records, win prizes, etc., but you can participate in events.  If you wish to enjoy full AW Wednesday Meet privileges, while maintaining membership of your existing club, talk to our Registrar for payment of our club fee ($40).

