
Winter Competition is back!

Published Fri 03 Jul 2020

Thanks to the easing of restrictions earlier this month, community sport has been allowed to return.  Athletics NSW have produced the “Return to Out-of-Stadia Competition Guidelines” which particularly supports cross country competition.  If you’d like to see what’s involved and what you may expect at upcoming events, you can read the Guidelines here:

The first competition to return is the NSW Short Course Cross Country Championships, to be held at Kembla Grange on Sunday, 19th July.  Entries close this Wednesday at 10am.  Event registration is via this link:  Hopefully we see plenty of Athletics Wollongong members participating, given how local it is.

Note that to participate in RunNSW events like the Short Course Cross Country Championships, you’ll need to be an eligible member.  Those with a current ‘Open’ or ‘Concession’ registration are able to enter all RunNSW events (“current” meaning that you were with AW this past Summer Season; all memberships last until September 30th).  Those with a ‘Club’ Membership are only eligible to compete at the upcoming Cross Country Relays and Road Relays.

Everyone else who wants to join in the fun will have to upgrade their membership; this includes Duals who will need insurance coverage after Little Athletics Australia pulled out of all Winter Season activities.  To upgrade your membership:

  • go to
  • click the Member Login button at the top-right of the screen
  • Login using your username/password (recently emailed out to all again), else click Forgot Your Details to have them re-sent
  • click Upgrade under your Membership status
  • Select Junior RunNSW Membership (if you’re 10-17) else RunNSW Membership and click "Next Step"
  • Fill in any missing info and confirm your upgrade
  • Once you make payment you can then enter RunNSW events (

At time of writing, the upgrade button isn’t appearing for some people.  It’s under investigation but in the meantime, if you’re having any problems, send an email to and they will process the upgrade for you.

Soon to follow are the NSW Cross Country Championships at Nowra (8th August) and the Cross Country Relays at Miranda (22nd Aug).  See the full calendar HERE.


